Are you only dreaming?
Do You Have A Dream, Or Does Your Dream Have You?
This morning, as I was summoning inspiration, I found Prince Ea’s video about LIVING, and I was moved. Take a few minutes to listen below, but, before you do, clear your mind, open your heart, and just soak it in. Let go of doubt, release your fears, and for just a moment be with your […]
Living a Life of Quiet Desperation
Yesterday I heard what was to me, one of the saddest ever episodes on NPR. it was a story about an interview of a man who was truly living in this quiet desperation. He had a “dream to dream,” but couldn’t quite find his way past the idea of the dream to put something into […]
Oakleaf Business Council Speaking Event – 04/05/2016
Reference Notes for the Clay County Chamber Oakleaf Business Council Meeting April 5, 2016 Stats Social Media Usage Statistics Daily Media Consumption Social Media Consumption Tools A Time Logger – Google App Strict Workflow – Chrome App,2817,2491476,00.asp Pomodoro – Phone App – 25 minute timer Google Calendar […]